Stanley the Bernedoodle Therapy Dog
Hi everyone!
My name is Stanley and I'm a 4 year old bernedoodle (part Bernese mountain dog, part poodle) who also happens to be a therapy dog at the Boston Ability Center! I've spent lots of time learning new tricks (and how to be a good boy!) with my trainer Isys, from She's a Keeper Dog Training. Now, I get to go to work with my mom (the BAC director) every day to see my friends and show off my cool skills! Being a therapy dog is pretty fun, and I thought you might like the inside scoop!
I love to join my friends during their pediatric occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech/language therapy sessions. Sometimes, I even get to join for intensive therapy camp! I help my friends to work hard, have fun and reach their goals. All the while, they help me to earn treats (win-win!) If you’re following the Boston Ability Center on Instagram and Facebook, you already know that the BAC is all about building relationships - and this, my friends, is what I live for (well, relationships and snacks, of course). Here are just a few of the many ways that you might see me showing off my therapy dog skills and helping my friends in the gym:
Putting on and taking off socks or shirts alongside some of my friends who are learning to dress themselves
Playing fetch or doing "clean up" with toys that my friends squat down to pick up and then throw across the gym, all while they're standing on a bosu or balance board! This makes their muscles super strong and improves their balance.
Lending a listening ear (and snuggle!) while my friends read aloud to practice their speech and language skills.
Going for walks (or runs!)
Sitting on a scooter board and being towed around the gym (at 80+ pounds, I'm told I provide great resistance for strengthening)
Practicing yoga poses with friends who are building strength, coordination, and self-regulation skills (downward dog is my specialty!)
Doing tricks to encourage my friends to complete exercises or activities (we're all learning new things, after all!)
Riding a swing with friends who are nervous to be up off of the ground
Setting a great example for friends who are learning to try new foods in feeding therapy (after all - I eat anything!)
Sending pen-pal letters to my friends who are working on their handwriting
Trying out obstacle courses that my friends build (I've mastered the tunnel and jumping through the tire swing, but I'm still practicing my balance beam skills!)
Providing a smiling, motivating face when friends are a little bit hesitant to come to play in the gym (new places can be scary, but usually I just have to show them the toys and swings!)
Waiting patiently while my friends who are learning to walk in early childhood therapy make their way over to me with a treat or toy
Hopping on a Zoom call to provide a little motivation during teletherapy sessions
Walking on a treadmill alongside a friend (#workoutbuddies)
Showing friends how to wear a mask
Helping my clinician friends with paperwork (I haven't mastered my typing, but I'm told I'm great moral support!)
Some of my friends are a little bit afraid of dogs, and that's ok too! I've learned to "melt" and stay very still so that kids can learn about me!
My grown-up friends at the Boston Ability Center make the hard work of therapy fun for kids, and I'm glad that I get to help out too! Follow my adventures on Instagram and come see my BAC family to learn how we can all help your child reach their goals in every area of development. I can't wait to meet you!
