Presentations and Webinars
The BAC is committed to collaboration and ensuring that parents, caregivers, and professionals feel empowered by knowledge, community, and support. We are excited to partner with local universities, schools, daycares, and other organizations to share valuable resources through virtual and in-person educational events and other programs. Check out select previous webinars below and explore upcoming events here!
Interested in partnering with us? Have a topic that you would like our staff to present on to your organization or families in your area? We would love to hear from you! Topics that our staff have presented on previously include:
Understanding developmental milestones
Reasons to refer children for support services
How to best support the development of fine motor, gross motor, and speech/language skills within the classroom
Sensory processing and regulation to support children's growth and development across environments
... and many more!

All About AAC (10/25/23)
SLPs Megan Romanczyk and Katherine Babuka share about AAC acquisition, assessment, treatment, and strategies for supporting AAC users!
Language Learning in Autism: A Story of Many Paths to Development (11/16/23)
This presentation explores current research regarding how autistic children develop language. Research shows that autistic individuals demonstrate unique learning and memory mechanisms for language, suggesting a need for a shift in language intervention strategies for autistic individuals. Participants will leave this presentation with a better understanding of autistic language development, resources for supporting their child's language development, and information regarding how to participate in current language development research.
Insights from Autism with Dr. Ruth Grossman and Megan Romanczyk, CCC-SLP
Join Dr. Ruth Grossman and Speech-Language Pathologist Megan Romanczyk in learning about current research and clinical best practices regarding autistic social communication. This presentation will explore findings regarding speaker first impressions of autistic individuals as well as factors that lead to less favorable impressions, including facial and vocal expressions and the social expectations of communication partners. The presentation will then discuss neurodiversity affirming social communication intervention, informed by this research and the lived experience of autistic individuals.
Childhood Speech Disorders: Navigating Diagnosis and Treatment with Dr. Kristen Allison
This presentation will give an overview of the different types of childhood speech disorders, how they’re diagnosed, and current research evidence on effective treatment techniques. Etiologies of childhood speech disorders will be discussed, with a particular focus on motor-based speech disorders. Information on speech development milestones and “red flags” for different types of speech disorders will be reviewed. Resources and tips will be provided to help parents navigate their child’s diagnosis and advocate for their child’s needs.