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September Book of the Month!

Boston Ability Center

Our books this month focus on siblings and understanding differences. Check out our newest recommendations below for both kids and adults!

For the adults: Uniquely Human, written by Barry M. Prizant, Ph.D.

📚This month, we’re featuring Uniquely Human, written by speech-language pathologist Barry M. Prizant, Ph.D. ⁣

📚What if instead of classifying “autistic behaviors” as signs of pathology, we sought to understand them as strategies to cope with a world that feels chaotic and overwhelming? What if we chose to focus on enhancing a child’s abilities and building on his/her strengths, instead of trying to “fix” a child by “eliminating symptoms?" ⁣

📚Winner of the Dr. Temple Grandin Award for the Outstanding Literary Work in Autism, this book shines a positive light on ways to interpret autism as a human experience - an experience that is unique to all of us, and those with autism are no exception🧩💙

For the kids: Just Because, written by Rebecca Elliot

🚀🌕⁣ A favorite BAC Sibshop book is Just Because by Rebecca Elliot

🚀🌕Toby loves his big sister, Clemmie, and delights in telling us about all the fun things they do together. Only as his tale unfolds does the reader realize that his sister has special needs...and by then, we accept (just as Toby does) all the wonderful things about her. ⁣

🚀🌕All families will enjoy reading this book to support the development of a positive sibling relationship. As Toby says, “Clemmie is my best friend and I love her. And I know exactly why. Just because."

BONUS! Another one for the kids: Special Siblings, written by Jessica Leving

We also happened to read a new book in BAC Sibshop this week, and we simply had to share!

👫❤️Growing up with a sibling who has special needs can be hard. But it can also be...awesome! Based on author Jessica Leving’s real-life experiences, this unique and touching children’s book explores how siblings of kids with disabilities are special, too. ⁣

👫❤️One BAC Sibshop participant shared, “I love the ending because the siblings hug and they still love each other.”

These books will be available for families to read in BAC waiting rooms - take a look and let us know what you think! For more information on Sibshops hosted at the BAC, click HERE!

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