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Jumping into telehealth like...

Boston Ability Center

For the past three weeks, we have been jumping into telehealth like...

While the Boston Ability Center ball pits are temporarily closed, we have been diving into virtual PT, OT, SLP, and feeding sessions and have just about 3 weeks of telehealth in the books! We were excited, the kids were excited, the parents were excited, we saw a lot of pets and they were excited - what an exciting couple of weeks it has been! Above all, we are grateful for the continued opportunity to walk alongside your child and family as we navigate these waters together. Check out what fellow BAC families have shared about their telehealth experiences thus far!

“Today was our first telehealth session and it far exceeded our expectations! Our therapist had many tricks up her sleeve to keep my 6-year-old engaged and working on her OT goals. Most surprising was learning how to create a simple obstacle course in her room that even had her 10-year-old sister interested. Now they have big plans underway to design a bigger and better obstacle course in the backyard! Many thanks to Boston Ability Center for helping provide consistency for families during this challenging time.” ⁣

“Thanks for the great Zoom session today. It really energized Ewan and gave him some fun activities. Personally, I loved and appreciated that you incorporated a sharing feelings exercise with him during this complicated time. Glad Ewan had some time to reflect with you on how he’s been managing being home. Thanks so much for doing that, Katie. I would highly recommend a virtual visit with the BAC!” ⁣

"My husband and I are thrilled (and thankful!) that the BAC has been able to offer telehealth services. We have already seen the positive impact the sessions have made for our son in just a few short weeks. The ability to make a visual connection with his OT while continuing to develop his social, emotional and fine motor skills is so incredibly important during this unsettling time."

And last but not least, check out Abby practicing her sounds with Ms. Stephanie, speech-language pathologist 👏🏼😍⁣

Thank you all for the sweet words! 💕 We are so, so grateful for our families and their support. We are here to support you, too! If you’re interested in joining our BAC virtual family, email to get connected with a PT, OT, SLP, or feeding specialist. Missed our last blog post and curious how teletherapy sessions could benefit you and your child? Click HERE to read!

Hope to see you soon! 😊



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