It’s Feeding Friday! 😋Today, we’re talking smoothies🥤Pick ingredients together and let your children put them into the blender - a perfect opportunity to explore the food with all of their senses 🖐🏼👀👃🏼👅👂🏼Give your child descriptive words to use, like, “Wow, frozen fruit feels so cold!🥶Yogurt from the fridge is cold, too - but not as cold as the fruit from the freezer! I love the sound that the strawberries🍓make when I drop them in - splash! 💦”
If your picky eater isn’t ready to taste the smoothie just yet, you can “paint” with your fingers to explore the color and texture☝🏼🎨
To learn more about feeding therapy services at the BAC, click HERE! 🍎🍑🧀🥑🍆