Happy #FeedingFriday! Wondering what our Food Explorers have been up to this season?
This Food Explorer was comfortable eating beef burgers 🍔...but he learned in Food Explorers group that he loves chicken and turkey burgers, too! (He was even seen sneaking some bites off his friends’ plates 😋)
He also SKY ROCKETED up the steps to eating this week by touching his cheeks, lips, teeth, and tongue to different fruits! 🍓🍊🍋🥝🍇🍉 We are so proud of this brave boy!
What are the "steps to eating," you may ask? Most people think there are very few steps to eating - you just put a piece of food in your mouth, chew, and swallow...right? BAC therapists know that there are actually over THIRTY (yes, that’s 3-0 😱) steps to eating! Some steps to eating include: tolerating being in the same room as food, interacting with the food, smelling the food, touching the food, and tasting the food.
Click HERE to learn more about BAC's feeding groups and individual feeding therapy offerings!