Feeding and Swallowing Program
Did you know that eating is one of the most difficult tasks to complete? Even more difficult than walking or talking. It is a vital function for survival and development, but it does not always come naturally to everyone. At The Boston Ability Center, we work with infants, toddlers, school-aged children, and young adults at their pace and comfort level. We create an individualized plan for you and your child and guide our feeding therapy sessions with an interactive and play-based approach.

Feeding therapy services at the Boston Ability Center are led by both speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists who combine evidence-based practice and creativity to help children reach functional goals related to:​
Increasing accepted foods and expanding diets
Improving oral motor skills, such as biting, chewing and swallowing
Weaning from tube feedings/non-oral feeds
Transitioning from breastmilk/formula to foods
Transitioning from purees to solid foods
Successful participation in family meals and meals outside of the home (i.e. at school, restaurants, etc)
Who might benefit from feeding therapy at Boston Ability Center? Children teens who experience…
Picky eating
Mealtime avoidance and/or tantrums
Feeding difficulties
Pocketing food or overstuffing mouth
Food selectivity (i.e eating only certain brands, avoidance of foods in a specific nutrition group, etc.)
Sensory sensitivities (i.e related to food textures, smells, temperatures, tastes, etc.)
Food aversions
Oral hypersensitivity
Tube feeding, non-oral feeding
Oral motor weakness
Delays in oral motor skill development
Failure to thrive
Tongue thrust
Excessive drooling
Gagging or vomiting while eating or near food items

The occupational therapists and speech therapists on our feeding therapy team have expertise and training in:
SOS Approach to Feeding
Beckman Oral Motor
ARFID: The Anxious Eater - Masterclass with Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP
Check out the guide below to better understand your child's development and when to seek support!