Is your child receiving Early Intervention?

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Early childhood therapy at the BAC can supplement your child's Early Intervention services!
We often receive the question "Is my child too young to be seen at the Boston Ability Center?" The answer? No! Our experienced clinicians are well trained in treating even the youngest of clients, particularly those in the birth to three range! Our therapists work very closely with Early Intervention (EI) and other services providers to ensure coordinated, collaborative care across settings starting at an early age.
While we continue to provide engaging treatment and parent education via teletherapy, both of our clinics are also open and offering in-person physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, and/or feeding therapy evaluations and ongoing appointments. We also offer various intensive therapy programs. We understand the importance of providing quality, hands-on intervention to your child during critical periods of early development. Our team of skilled clinicians is able to conduct comprehensive evaluations that focus on specific areas of your child's development, including areas related to motor development, language, social, emotional, and behavioral well-being, self-help skills, and much more! We commonly work with children with diagnoses including (but not limited to):
Down Syndrome
Language Disorders
Intellectual Disabilities
Global Developmental Delay
Neuromuscular Disorders
And more!
With a family-centered approach, you and your child's caregivers will be actively involved in your child's treatment, allowing for education, collaboration and the promotion of optimal home-carryover while helping your child to develop skills and achieve their therapeutic goals as quickly as possible (with plenty of fun along the way!). ​These services may be covered by your current insurance plan and can often provide an important supplement to other services that your child may receive, such as Early Intervention.
If your child under three...
is not reaching age-appropriate milestones
is diagnosed with certain physical, emotional, or cognitive condition(s) that may result in a developmental delay
has a medical / biological or social / environmental history which may put the child at risk for a developmental delay
Call 781-239-0100 or email our front desk team to get started! We would be happy to put you in touch with a clinician to discuss your concerns and guide you through the process of initiating services.